Print On Demand (POD) is the biggest revolution in book printing since the Gutenberg press, making it convenient and affordable for self-published authors to print and sell their books straight to readers anywhere. With on demand printing, authors can distribute their books to readers without having to buy and store hundreds of books on their own. Print On Demand allows authors the freedom to market and sell their book around the country without having to worry about storing, shipping, or having enough books in stock.
In the past, self-published authors were plagued with large upfront costs, printing more books than necessary, and managing excess inventory on their own. Print On Demand erases those troubles with an efficient small-run printing process that still provides maximum exposure, but with more author control and minimal investment.
We offer affordable printing solutions for your books, be it a novel or poetry, forget about the exorbitant costs you used to pay regularly, for the books that never get sold.